
This is Nyazia and Lexi's blog of Australia!!!!!! You will discover things such as the culture and geography of australia through our greatest research!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Well to start with in 1770, when Captain Cook (James Cook) was traveling along the coast when he and his crew discovered the place Australlia. In 1851 was one of the most important years for Victoria, Victoria had been seperrated from the area NOW known as Soulth Wales ,and became an idependent colony. In 1956 Australlia's Melbourne holds the 1956 Olympics.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

australia now!!!

this is going to be like a news net wor of the latest or breaking news in areas of australia....
posts will be put up tomarrow... Thank You.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Goverment!! (fun facts)

-The Common wealth of Australia began in 1901
- 1900-1914 Australia's agriculture and manufacturing capacities had high improving progress
- sadly during worldwar 1 australia got badly impacted by looseing 60,000 of their men in war and many more injured.

Economy Fun Info!!!

Australia's money is called the Australian Dollar. In 1966 their currency was changed to the decimal system. The dollars are printed in 5's, 10's, 20's, 50's, and 100's. their coins were minted in 5cents, 10cents, 20cents, 50 cents, 1, and 2 dollars. Australian's economy effects their physical landscape because the Australian Dimond Mine is one of the most active mine and also because the money coming from the mine goes toward the goverment.

The Goverment

Australia's type of goverment is federation of the states and is controled by the political party. Australia has six states they are New Soulth Wale, Queensland, Soulth Australia, Tasmania, Victoria,and Western Australia. This nation has its own has its own costitution. The name of the goverment is the commonwealth of Australia.

The Culture

Australian's religions vary, 26.1% are Anglican, 26% are Roman Cathlic, 24.3% are other christain,and 11% are non- christain. the major religion is tied between Roman Cathlic and Anglican. Australian's belief systems donot seem to effect the interaction with other contries because they vary in popular religions around the world but also have 11% non- cathlic or different beliefs excepting just about anybody.

The wonderful Geography of Australia!

Australia is the sixth largest contry in the world, its location is in the Soulth Pacific ocean and the Indian ocean. It is 7,000 miles Soulthwest of North America and 2,000 miles Soultheast of Asia. They refer it to the nick-name down under because it is with in the Southern hemisphere.Australia's latitude is 35 degrees Soulth and 25 degrees East. Australia is basically one small flat dry continent. Australia's phisical features are dry deserts, rain forests, coasts,rivers, lakes, and mountains. Australia basically has two seasons th wet and the dry. at the bottom and along the side you will find some pictures of Australia's geography.